Etude de la sépulture ibéromaurusienne 1 d’Ifri n’Baroud (Rif oriental, MAROC) / Study of the burial ibéromaurusian 1 of Ifri n’Baroud (Eastern Rif, MOROCCO)

Maintained by Henning Hundsdörfer
Created at 10.10.2014


This article deals with the study of the first burial at the site of Ifri n Baroud
(Eastern Rif, Morocco) . It is about an individual primary burial of a tall female adult
subject found in a grave. The Iberomaurusian archaeological level to which belongs
the burial would be at least 12 500 years old. The grave in question has an oblique
bottom. The latter marrowness and the obliqueness of its bottom are evidences that the
subject should have been put in a dorsal decubitus position much contracted matched
with a seated position. The burial has certainly been damaged which entailed the
irreparable loss of some basic components of the skeleton, in this case the skull and
other bones.


Ben-Ncer, A. (2004): Etude de la sépulture ibéromaurusienne 1 d’Ifri n’Baroud (Rif oriental, MAROC) / Study of the burial ibéromaurusian 1 of Ifri n’Baroud (Eastern Rif, MOROCCO). – In: Antropo, p: 177-185

authorBen-Ncer, A.
keyburial, Ibéromaurusian, Ifri n’Baroud , Eastern Rif, Morocco
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