Geochemische Untersuchung rezenter lakustriner Sedimente der Laguna de Medina, Südspanien

Maintained by Martin Kehl
Created at 8.12.2015


The Laguna de Medina is a semi-permanent salt lake in southern Spain. As part of a drilling campaign in March 2015, 47 samples of recent lacustrine sediments were taken of the lake by using a gravity corer. In addition the lake depth was measured at each sampled point.
The taken samples were analyzed for their content of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur (CNS).
Also the sediment was tested for it’s amount of total organic and inorganic carbon.
It turns out that the recent lake sediment, specifially on the northern shore, contains comparatively small amounts of carbon with 1.82 to 3.39 wt.-%. Samples from the southern shore in contrast, show carbon contains with more than 10.5 wt.-%.
With the help oft the measured lake depths, a three dimensional model of the Laguna de Medina is created.


Christian, S. . (2015): Geochemische Untersuchung rezenter lakustriner Sedimente der Laguna de Medina, Südspanien. RWTH Aachen

authorChristian, Steffens,
schoolRWTH Aachen
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