Die Fundkonzentration von Rietberg 5

Maintained by Dirk Leder
Created at 2.3.2017


Rietberg 5 is part of the Azilian/ Federmesser site complex Reitberg - Große Höppe located in the Westphalian Basin. The Reitberg sites have been and radiocarbon dated to 13.8 ka calBP at the begining of the Alleröd interstadial that is chracterised by birch trees as evidenced by pollen analysis. Rietberg 5 is a workshop sites where all stages of core reduction are present, but tools are rare. The raw material used is local Baltic fllint. Next to lithic artefacts, Rietberg 5 is characterised by an abundace of pit features whereof some had been used to dispose off rubbish, while others might have been used for food processing and storage prurposes. Fire usage and maintenance is evidenced by numerous burnt artefacts and charcoal remains. Refitting of lithics artefacts have illumintaed on-site activities such as as the cleaning of hearths whose content ended up in adjacent dumping pits and the transportation of artefacts acros the site connecting different activity zones.


Leder, D. (2012): Die Fundkonzentration von Rietberg 5. Marie Leidorf Verlag

authorLeder, Dirk
publisherMarie Leidorf Verlag
seriesKöner Studien zur Prähistorischen Archäologie
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