Mesolithic pits in Germany – an initial overview

Researchdata & Literature
Maintained by Birgit Gehlen
Created at 13.11.2016


Inspired by the conference „Creuser au Mésolithique / Digging in the Mesolithic“ in Châlon-en-Champagne in March 2016, the authors start a compilation of Mesolithc pits in Germany. Although it is still incomplete, some statements can be already made. Nearly 80% of the pits known until now come from settlement contexts. The majority was found in sandy soils or flood loams. Although features are known from the Early and the Final Mesolithic, the pits stem mainly from the Middle and the Late Mesolithic. The most intriguing features are the accumulations of small pits with up to 390 features, discovered in the last decades in sandy soils in Northern and Eastern Germany.


B. Gehlen, K. Gerken, W. Schön (2017): Mesolithic pits in Germany – an initial overview.

booktitleCreuser au Mésolithique Digging in the Mesolithic. Actes de la séance de la société préhistorique française Châlons-en-Champagne 29-30 Mars 2016
citationB. Gehlen, K. Gerken, W. Schön (2017): Mesolithic pits in Germany – an initial overview.
journalActes de la journée de la Société Préhistorique Française (Châlons-en-Champagne, 29-30 mars 2016)
publisherSociété Préhistorique Française
seriesActes de la séance de la société préhistorique française
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