Not so deserted...Paleoecology and Human Subsistence in central Iberia (Guadalajara, Spain) around the Last Glacial Maximum

Maintained by Viviane Bolin
Created at 2.12.2016


In contrast to the coastal areas of the Iberian Peninsula, the Upper Palaeolithic settlement of central Iberia, dominated by the Spanish plateau, is poorly known. Traditional models assume a total or virtual depopulation of the interior of the Iberian Peninsula during the Last Glacial. In this paper we present a detailed investigation of human-environment interactions through the first zooarchaeological, taphonomic and isotopic study of the key site of Pena Capón, a rock shelter located in the south-eastern foothills of the Central System range that contains a multi-layered deposit dated to marine isotope stage 2 (MIS 2). Analyses of the faunal assemblages of the Proto-Solutrean (3) and Middle Solutrean (2) layers show that human preferentially hunted horse, deer and iberian ibex living in the vicinity of the rock shelter. Isotope geochemistry of the animal remains of Pena Capón provides us with the first detailed intra-tooth multi-proxy analysis for this time period in south-western Europe, providing estimates of climatic conditions, seasonal flucturation of diet, as well as patterns of seasonal mobility. Our results indicate that human presence at Pena Capón was apparently restricted to relatively warm intervals around the LGM or reflects the presence of an ecological refuge, and provide us with evidence of recurrent human presence in the Iberian interior during the Upper Paleolithic prior to the Magdalenian.


Yravedra, J., Alcaraz-Castano, M., Estaca, V., Alcolea-González, J., Balbín-Behrmann, R., Lécuyer, C., Marcel, C., Burke, A. (2016): Not so deserted...Paleoecology and Human Subsistence in central Iberia (Guadalajara, Spain) around the Last Glacial Maximum. – In: Quaternary Science Reviews , Vol. 140, p: 21-38, DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.03.021

authorYravedra, J. and Alcaraz-Castano, M. and Estaca, V. and Alcolea-González, J. and Balbín-Behrmann, R. de and Lécuyer, C. and Marcel, C.H. and Burke, A.
journalQuaternary Science Reviews
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