The Late Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic in (north)eastern Germany - article

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Maintained by Birgit Gehlen
Created at 24.2.2017


The late Palaeolithic and early Mesolithic in (north) eastern Germany provides good insights into cultural aspects of hunter-gatherer-communities due to the amount and density of key-sites. Representing different geographical zones like coast, lowlands, or middle range mountains, the areas inhabited by Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene hunter-gatherers show a distinct variety within their ecological constraints. Likewise other regions in Europe, these shifted in the area under investigation as a consequence of the repeated ecological changes.
Regarding the archaeological finds, the presented area has been settled by several archaeological cultures or groups synchronously as well as diachronically. Therefore it serves as a good area for investigating contacts and changes in the archaeological record. Sites with fairly high significance (e.g. Abri Fuchskirche, Golßen, Friesack, Hohen Viecheln, Kleinlieskow, Reichwalde, Wustermark 22) render possible the link of archaeological finds and palaeo-environmental investigations and hence provide much better insights into the life of prehistoric foragers than many other regions. When it comes to regionalism, eastern Germany provides the opportunity to trace the connections or interferences of the “lowland-cultures” with those from higher elevations and serve as a bridging area between eastern, western, and southern traditions in Central Europe, both in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic.
In this paper we present some summaries of some extraordinary sites and overarching cultural developments. Specific differences between and alterations within Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene communities are discussed. The changes during the Late Palaeolithic seem to be marked by traditional constraints and perhaps reflecting cultural entities whereas changes during the Mesolithic seem to follow common trends on a supra-regional perspective but with more regional specifications.


Daniel Groß, Clemens Pasda, Birgit Gehlen, The Late Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic in (north)eastern Germany. In: J.-P. Fagnart, L. Mevel, B. Valentin and M.-J. Weber (eds.), L’Europe du Nord-Ouest autour de 10 000 BP (9 600 cal BC): quels changements? Conference Proceedings of the XXVIIIe congrès préhistorique de France Amiens, 30th Mai – 4th June 2016, The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia. U.I.S.P.P. Session 3 (2nd – 3rd June 2016). Paris 2017, in prep.

authorGroß, Daniel and Pasda, Clemens and Gehlen, Birgit
citationDaniel Groß, Clemens Pasda, Birgit Gehlen, The Late Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic in (north)eastern Germany. In: J.-P. Fagnart, L. Mevel, B. Valentin and M.-J. Weber (eds.), L’Europe du Nord-Ouest autour de 10 000 BP (9 600 cal BC): quels changements? Conference Proceedings of the XXVIIIe congrès préhistorique de France Amiens, 30th Mai – 4th June 2016, The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia. U.I.S.P.P. Session 3 (2nd – 3rd June 2016). Paris 2017, in prep.
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