Composite profile core Co1240

Maintained by Christian Willmes, Volker Wennrich, Stefan Kröpelin
Created at 31.1.2018


Depth of core segments seleted to compile the core composite of core Co1240 from Lake Yoa/Chad.


core segment Section depth composite depth
Top (cm) Bottom (cm) Top (m) Bottom (m)
Co1240-1 I 5,9 41,1 0,002 0,354
Co1240-2 II 15,9 91,9 0,356 1,116
Co1240-3 I 2,4 90,8 1,548 2,432
Co1240-3 II 3,5 98,1 2,486 3,432
Co1240-3 III 1,1 80,9 3,454 4,252
Co1240-4 I 50 91,6 4,254 4,67
Co1240-4 II 1,6 98,4 4,694 5,662
Co1240-4 III 1,7 34,9 5,692 6,024
Co1240-5 I 5 91,8 6,026 6,894
Co1240-5 II 1,6 98,4 6,92 7,888
Co1240-6 I 37 94,8 7,9 8,478
Co1240-6 II 1,1 98,5 8,504 9,478
Co1240-6 III 1,4 48,4 9,5 9,97
Co1240-7 I 25,8 98,6 9,972 10,7
Co1240-7 II 2,9 98,5 10,726 11,682
Co1240-7 III 1,4 95,6 11,704 12,646
Co1240-8 I 60 94 12,648 12,988
Co1240-8 II 1,2 96,8 13 13,956
Co1240-8 III 2,9 37,5 13,98 14,326
Co1240-9 III 22 79,8 14,328 14,906
Co1240-11 III 3,1 90,1 14,908 15,778
Co1240-10 III 60,1 100,1 15,78 16,18


Karls, J., Wennrich, V., Melles, M. (2017): Composite profile core Co1240.

authorKarls, Jens and Wennrich, Volker and Melles, Martin
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