CRC806-E1 LGM-Sites Database V-20150313

Maintained by Isabell Schmidt
Created at 7.4.2015


CRC 806 “Our Way to Europe” – Project E1
Population Dynamics: Demographic Changes of Hunter-Gatherer Populations during the Upper Pleistocene and Early Holocene in Europe

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr Andreas Zimmermann
PostDoc: Dr Isabell Schmidt

General information:
Databases used (revised and extended) within this work were courtesy provided by:
Jean-Pierre Bocquet Appel
INQUA – Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database (Pierre Vermeersch)

#ID: Identification number given within the current database system
#Site: most common spelling, starting with main name – comma – article [optional: comma – different spellings, different names of the site]
#Longitude: Decimal Degrees, World Geodetic System 1984
#Latitude: Decimal Degrees, World Geodetic System 1984
#Country: Name of country (English spelling)
#Kind_of_site: 0 = no information; 1 = cave/abri; 2 = open-air site
#Quality: 0 = excluded (previous attribution proved wrong, no data); 1 = secure attribution (assemblage size, radiometric data, stratigraphy, diagnostic tools); 2 = possible attribution (small assemblage, no radiometric data, insecure context, few/no diagnostic tools)

MAG=Magdalenian; LGM=Last Glacial Maximum; GRA=Gravettian; AUR=Aurignacian

Authors to contact:

MAG: Dr Inga Kretschmer (
LGM and GRA: Dr Andreas Maier (
AUR: Dr Isabell Schmidt (

Database revision with the help of: Andreea Darida (E1 student assistant)


Maier, A., Zimmermann, A. (2015): CRC806-E1 LGM-Sites Database V-20150313. CRC806-Database, DOI: 10.5880/SFB806.12

authorMaier, Andreas and Zimmermann, Andreas
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