Geochemische und geophysikalische Studie an Sedimenten der Laguna Grande, Südspanien

Maintained by Martin Kehl
Created at 8.12.2015


The Laguna Salada in southern Spain is a type of Playa Lake and constitutes an important climate archive for the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The focus of this study, as part of the CRC 806 – Our Way to Europe, project C3, is to reconstruct the climatic and environmental history of the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Glacial and Holocene on a high resolution.
Therefor, several drills were carried out in and around the Lake and were merged in one 11.70 m long sediment sequence. In the context of this study, the Drillcore was invastigated using geophysical and geochemical methods, from which conclusions can be drawn concerning the input of organic matter as well as rates of erosion in the catchment area.


Washausen, S. (2015): Geochemische und geophysikalische Studie an Sedimenten der Laguna Grande, Südspanien.

authorWashausen, Simon
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