Sedimentologische und geochemische Studie an Ablagerungen im Einzugsgebiet der „Laguna de Medina“; Südspanien

Maintained by Christian Willmes
Created at 18.5.2018


The Laguna de Medina is a semi-permanent shallow inland lake in Andalucía, South Spain. It is an ideal climate record so it is under paleolimnical investigation by the Collaborative Research Centre 806, which is investigating the way of mankind from Africa to Europe. Therefore, it was necessary to check the official geological map of the region in order to adjust it if it is necessary. Therefor were taken soil samples around the lake. Following that, the samples were examined in view of sedimentological und geochemical in laboratory. The Result of this Thesis is that the geological map of this region is verified.


Scharrenberg, C. (2016): Sedimentologische und geochemische Studie an Ablagerungen im Einzugsgebiet der „Laguna de Medina“; Südspanien. RWTH Aachen

authorScharrenberg, Christian
schoolRWTH Aachen
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