CRC 806 Research Sites Database
A new application and own section of the CRC806-Database providing information about the CRC 806 Research Sites was launched today.
We are glad to announce an improvement and new functionality for the CRC806-Database. The new section called Sites provides an interface to a database and interactive map for informations about the CRC 806 Research Sites. Sites are field locations, like excavation or geoarchaeological sites that were investigated during CRC 806 research activities.
These Sites can be related to resources, like datasets and publications, as well as members of the CRC806-Database. Sites can be annotated with field campaigns, that describe what was conducted in a specific campaign at that Site. Additionally it is possible to upload photos of the Site, that helps to document the environmental and archaeological, as well as the working conditions at a Site.
The interface allows to view all information for a given Site on one according page, including the spatial and temporal context, descriptions of campaigns conducted at a Site, a categorization by investigation type (Archaeology, Geoscience, Other). Related datasets and publications that are stored in the CRC806-Database, are also shown as informations of a Site. Locations of the Sites stored in the CRC806-Database are also shown on the Datasetmap, that which allows to spatially filter the resources (datasets and publications) of the CRC806-Database.
If you are a member of the CRC 806, please consider to take some minutes, to look if all the Sites you worked on during the CRC are existing in the sites database. If you find a missing site, you can easily add it to the database. Also, you can add additional informations to existing Sites, and relate datasets or publications of to Sites. We would be very glad to hear some feedback from you about the new Research Sites database and also about what could be improved, or added, or changed. Please contact us at to share your thoughts with us.