OGC CSW 2.0.2 interface for spatial data


The spatial data is now also available via OGC CSW interface

We are happy to announce a substantial update to the CRC806-Database data management plattform.

Since today, the CRC806-Database manages its ISO-19115 standard compliant metadata - in addition to CKAN - with a fully transactional OGC Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW).

The CRC806-Database CSW instance is installed using the open source software pyCSW. pyCSW is a CSW-Server implementation written in the python programming language. It is officially certified as fully compliant with the OGC Implementation Specification and further serves as an OGC Reference Implementation. It is platform independent and available as Open Source Software under an MIT license.This work, along with many additional minor and major improvements to the Typo3 data management Extension, was carried out by Daniel Kürner for his diploma thesis.

Additionally, we added the following features and bugfixes for this update:

* WMS Preview for WebServices

* Additional Resource Types

* Improved bibliographic metadata input  

* BibTex markup of bibliographic information

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