PaleoMaps 2019 Workshop Meeting Report
A meeting report summarizing the talks of the recent PaleoMaps workshop was published as a peer reviewed paper in the Open Access Journal MDPI Quaternary.
The two day PaleoMaps Workshop was held in September 2019 at the Institute of Geography of the University of Cologne and was organized by the Z2 Project of the Collaborative Research Centre 806.
The report is available open access from here. And can be cited as follows:
Willmes, C.; Niedziółka, K.; Serbe, B.; Grimm, S.B.; Groß, D.; Miebach, A.; Märker, M.; Henselowsky, F.; Gamisch, A.; Rostami, M.; Mateos, A.; Rodríguez, J.; Limberg, H.; Schmidt, I.; Müller, M.; Hölzchen, E.; Holthausen, M.; Klein, K.; Wegener, C.; Weninger, B.; Nielsen, T.K.; Otto, T.; Weniger, G.-C.; Bubenzer, O.; Bareth, G. State of the Art in Paleoenvironment Mapping for Modeling Applications in Archeology—Summary, Conclusions, and Future Directions from the PaleoMaps Workshop. Quaternary 2020, 3, 13.
A diverse set of talks ranging from geospatial data management, over field data acquisition and geiscientific research, to GIS based classifications and methods to derive, gather and compile GIS based paleoenvironment data, to a heterogeneous line up of presentation concerning modeling applications that make use of the GIS based paleoenvironment data.
The presentations led to very interesting and fruitful discussion and we are happy to share some of the discussed ideas and arguments to our interested peers in form of this open access publication summarizing the talks and also delivering some discussion and conclusions from the workshop.