Los “Campamentos Secundarios” en el Magdaleniense Cantábrico: Resultados Preliminares de la Excavación en la Cueva del Olivo (Llanera, Asturias).

Maintained by Miriam Rotgänger
Created at 12.12.2019


This paper presents a progress on the general knowledge of the level 2 of el Olivo cave,
dated in Middle Magdalenian. First data of this level concerning technotypological characteristics of lithic assemblages and the selection of raw materials, faunal data represented in the site, bone industries, adornments documented, and a dating are shown in this research. The location of Olivo, in an area where the terrain is mostly undulating and flat, would allow an agile movement of human groups in this environment, which would be in direct relationship with the fact that Magdalenian groups who frequented this place had a great mobility .Thus, in level 2 we found Trivia sp. shells collected in coastal area, coming from then, and Piloña and Piedramuelle flint coming respectively from the e and the sw. Although geographically el Olivo is not placed in Nalón river valley, this cavity would be included in the “territory of the Nalón”. We frame this site under the so-called “secondary camps”.


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    Álvarez-Alonso, D., Herrero, M., Álvarez Fernandez, E., Garcia-Ibaibarriaga, N., Jordá Pardo, J., Rojo, J. (2014): Los “Campamentos Secundarios” en el Magdaleniense Cantábrico: Resultados Preliminares de la Excavación en la Cueva del Olivo (Llanera, Asturias).. Acta salmanticensia. Estudios históricos y geográficos. Cien Años de arte rupestre paleolítico. Centenario del descubrimiento de la cueva de la Peña de Candamo (1914-2014)

    authorÁlvarez-Alonso, David and Herrero, Marí­a de Andrés and Álvarez Fernandez, Esteban and Garcia-Ibaibarriaga, Naroa and Jordá Pardo, Jesús F. and Rojo, J.
    booktitleCien Años de arte rupestre paleolítico. Centenario del descubrimiento de la cueva de la Peña de Candamo (1914-2014)
    publisherActa salmanticensia. Estudios históricos y geográficos
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