Middle to upper pleniglacial transition recorded in the loess profile of Krems-Wachtberg East

Researchdata & Literature
Maintained by Janina Bösken, Alina Blume
Created at 16.7.2015


Loess research in Lower Austria has a long tradition and came back into focus of Quaternary research with new methodological approaches. Detailed paleoenvironmental information of the middle to upper pleniglacial transition is recorded in the Upper Paleolithic sites of Willendorf, Stratzing, Stillfried B, Grub and Krems-Wachtberg. The latter attracted international interest because of its unique infant burials. In the collaboration with archeologists, loess researchers profit from the integration of meticulous documentations, datings and descriptions.
For the late middle pleniglacial, most well-resolved Central European loess profiles feature a distinct paleosol. In Germany and Upper Austria it is termed Lohne Soil, in the eastern part of Lower Austria Stillfried B. In the Krems region (W Lower Austria) this time span is generally represented by several weakly developed paleosols.
In 2012 archeological prospections were carried out close to the main site of Krems-Wachtberg. For a short period a loess profile (Krems-Wachtberg East) was accessible for detailed research. The present investigation integrates established techniques (pedological field description, micromorphological studies, measurement of carbonate content), state of the art high-resolution sedimentological analysis (laser granulometry, XRD elementary analysis) and innovative methods (multispectral color measurements and indices) in order to unravel the paleoenvironmental development.
Compared to the main excavation, the studied deep cut is less thick. Archeological findings and radiocarbon datings allow for chronologic integration into the last middle to upper pleniglacial transition. It is evident that the paleosols are more developed and distinguished than in other records of the region that represent this period. Horizons slightly depleted in carbonates and of stronger color alternate with bleached reductaquic paleosols indicating significant climatic fluctuations.


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    Meyer-Heintze, S., Schulte, P., Sprafke, T., Terhorst, B., Lehmkuhl, F. (2014): Middle to upper pleniglacial transition recorded in the loess profile of Krems-Wachtberg East. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung des AK Geoarchäologie und der AG Paläopedologie in Aachen 2014, 29.-31.5. 2014, Aachen, Germany.

    authorMeyer-Heintze, S. and Schulte, P. and Sprafke, T. and Terhorst, B. and Lehmkuhl, F.
    organizationGemeinsame Jahrestagung des AK Geoarchäologie und der AG Paläopedologie in Aachen 2014, 29.-31.5. 2014, Aachen, Germany.
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