Neolithic transition and lithic technology: The Epipalaeolithic and Early Neolithic assemblages of Ifri Oudadane, NE-Morocco

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Created at 12.12.2016


Ifri Oudadane represents one of the few recently excavated sites in NW-Africa which permits a study of
the Neolithic transition. The site is dated by 23 radiocarbon ages suggesting an occupation between 11.0 and 5.7 ka calBP.
The well-documented Neolithic transition occurred at about 7.6 ka calBP. This transition is marked by the appearance
of pottery, cereals and legumes. Furthermore, geochemistry and micromorphology indicate several changes in the
sedimentation milieu.
One of the most interesting aspects of Neolithisation is the question of the continuity or discontinuity of this process. Does
the transition to food production appear as part of a migration process or did local forager groups promote this development?
Lithic material offers, as it appears through all periods, the best opportunity to study these developments. This
paper presents an unchanging lithic industry across the Neolithisation regarding blank production, raw material supply, as well
as tool composition. These results indicate an active role of local hunter-gatherers, and has therefore significant impact on the
understanding of the Neolithisation process within the Western Mediterranean as a whole


Linstädter, J., Wagner, G., Broich, M., Gibaja Bao, J., Rodriguez Rodriguez, A. (2015): Neolithic transition and lithic technology: The Epipalaeolithic and Early Neolithic assemblages of Ifri Oudadane, NE-Morocco. – In: Quartär, Vol. 62, p: 155-184, DOI: doi: 10.7485/QU62_7

authorLinstädter, Jörg and Wagner, Gregor and Broich, Manuel and Gibaja Bao, Juan and Rodriguez Rodriguez, Amelia del Carmen
doidoi: 10.7485/QU62_7
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