New archaeological data on the upper Paleolithicsite of cueva de Malalmuerzo (Moclín, Granada, Spain)

Maintained by Miriam Rotgänger
Created at 10.11.2020


The Malalmuerzo cave (Moclín, Granada, Spain) has been known since the 1980s for its archaeological remains and rock art, dated tothe Neolithic and the Solutrean periods respectively. However, following thirty years of neglect, our team carried out a brief archaeological
intervention after looters destroyed parts of the sediment ll of the cave. The refreshing of disturbed surfaces and the examination of a smallundisturbed prole produced many archaeological remains attributed to several Magdalenian levels. The levels partially covered the depiction of a red horse, which probably dates to the Solutrean period.


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    Cabello, L., Cantalejo, P., Espejo, M., Buendía, A., Fernández, J., Gonzáles Ríos, M., González, O., Durán, J., Robledo, P., Avezuela, B., Jordá Pardo, J., Uzquiano, P., Riquelme, J., Ruiz-Zapata, B., Gil-García, M., Ramos Muñoz, J., Weniger, G., Palomo, A., Smith, V., Becerra, S., Salvador Fernández, D., Dominguez-Bella, S., Tafelmaier, Y., Vijande-Vila, E. (2020): New archaeological data on the upper Paleolithicsite of cueva de Malalmuerzo (Moclín, Granada, Spain). – In: MUNIBE, DOI:

    authorCabello, Lidia and Cantalejo, Pedro and Espejo, M de Mar and Buendía, Antonio F and Fernández, José M. and Gonzáles Ríos, Manuel and González, Olga and Durán, Juan José and Robledo, Pedro and Avezuela, Bárbara and Jordá Pardo, Jesús F. and Uzquiano, Paloma and Riquelme, José A. and Ruiz-Zapata, Blanca and Gil-García, María J. and Ramos MUÑOZ, José and Weniger, Gerd-Christian and Palomo, Alfonso and Smith, Victor Manuel and Becerra, Serafín and Salvador Fernández, Diego and Dominguez-Bella, Salvado and Tafelmaier, Yvonne and Vijande-Vila, Eduardo
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