Post-depositional alterations of tephra layers as indicators for palaeoenvironmental conditions

Maintained by Alina Blume, Janina Bösken
Created at 20.4.2020


Tephra layers are widely used as isochronous marker horizons in Quaternary sciences. In this study, we concentrate on the depositional milieu as well as post-depositional alterations of a thick (ca. 0.8 m) tephra layer, originating from the dacitic Ciomadul (Csomád) volcanic dome complex (CVDC). This tephra layer is intercalated in the polygenetic sediment section Bodoc, approx. 20 km south of the volcano. The section is located on a alluvial fan in the Olt valley in southeastern Transylvania, Romania, and consists of sediments of fluvial, alluvial, aeolian and colluvial origin. The tephra is sitting on a clayey floodplain sediment, containing vegetation imprints. The ash shows striking reworking features such as redoximorphous overprinted layers as well as remnants of periglacial dynamics. Here, we present a multi-proxy study, using geochemical and grain size analyses, supported by field oberservations in order to reconstruct the palaeoenvironment using the tephra layer. The first results are presented together with challenges in chronology.


Pötter, S., Bösken, J., Hambach, U., Wulf, S., Karátson, D., Obreht, I., Markovic, S., Klasen, N., Lehmkuhl, F. (2019): Post-depositional alterations of tephra layers as indicators for palaeoenvironmental conditions. INQUA 2019, 25-31. July 2019, Dublin, Ireland

authorPötter, Stephan and Bösken, Janina and Hambach, Urlich and Wulf, Sabine and Karátson, David and Obreht, Igor and Markovic, Slobodan B. and Klasen, Nicole and Lehmkuhl, Frank
organizationINQUA 2019, 25-31. July 2019, Dublin, Ireland
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