Climate Data 30-13 ka GIS Dataset
This raster data is part of a geospatial dataset that contains climate data from 30 ka to 13 ka in 1000 year steps, provided by Tallavaara et al. (2015). The variables are PET (Potential Evapotranspiration) and WAB (Water balance) in mm/year and MCM (Mean temperature of the coldest month) in C°. The source was supplied in a .xls file containing longitude/latitude coordinates with the related variable values. It was imported to a shapefile with QGIS' "Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File" tool. The vector point data has been converted to GeoTIFF with GDAL's gdal_rasterize tool. The dataset has a resolution of 216x141 cells, with a cell size of 0.375° width and 0.25° height.
The original data by Tallavaara et al. (2015) was supplied in a .xls file containing
longitude/latitude coordinates with the related variable values.
Becker, D., Verheul, J., Zickel, M., Yener, Y., Willmes, C. (2018): Climate Data 30-13 ka GIS Dataset. CRC806-Database, DOI: 10.5880/SFB806.21
author | Becker, Daniel and Verheul, Jan and Zickel, Mirijam and Yener, Yasa and Willmes, Christian |
doi | 10.5880/SFB806.21 |
key | DanielBecker2018 |
publisher | CRC806-Database |
type | dataset |
year | 2018 |